The Faculty of Design

The design faculty is at the campus "Rotes Tor", close to the city center.

Founded in 1710 as one of the oldest Art Schools in Germany, the Faculty of Design has early acquired a reputation in type design and printing techniques.

But more interesting is what the Design School has built on that legacy: As part of the Augsburg Technical University of Applied Sciences it has become the biggest of Bavaria’s Design Schools with 600 students and it is now a place where design students not only learn the fundamentals in visual art, design and digital media but also different approaches to problem solving and design thinking. 

According to the Art Directors Club of Germany the Augsburg Faculty of Design is the best Design School in  Germany. Apart from the national recognition we are proud to be amongst the 30 best Design Schools in the world, ranked by the Art Directors Club New York.


The Faculty of Design welcomes Erasmus Students


The Faculty of Design is glad to extend a warm welcome to 11 exchange students from, our partner universities. Coming from Austria, Spain, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and Turkey, students constitute a divers group of culture. All of them are keen to discover the world around them and they are eager to learn about German design and media.

We wish the students successful studies, a pleasant winter semester and a wonderful time in Augsburg!


Erasmus Students WS2021/22