Dormitory Award

Our outgoing bachelor student, Anna Schilling, from the study programme "International Management" was awarded a "Dormitory Award" for her stay of 4 months (from Feb. to June 2021) at our partner university, Ajou University, in South Korea. The dormitory award amounts to approximately 1,000 Euros.
First impressions from South Korea on 25th Feb. 2021
The trip to South Korea has worked very well so far despite some obstacles.
The first 14 days were very boring, because all new arrivals had to go into a two-week self-isolation quarantine, but Ajou University helped us a lot with the organization.
The International Dormitory where I recently arrived is very modern and well equipped and offers common rooms, kitchen and laundry rooms as well as a small gym. The people in charge at the university and especially the buddie team take very good care of us exchange students and despite the circumstances I am very much looking forward to the coming semester here in South Korea.