136 projects found


Aug 16, 2023

Last summer semester, students at Augsburg Technical University developed fascinating concepts for the further development of their campus and also sketched out visions for the future Prinz Karl Campus.

Logo Fuchstal leuchtet
DissertationElectrical EngineeringPower Supply

Fuchstal Leuchtet

Aug 1, 2023 - Jul 31, 2026

Concept for Stable Island Grid Operation of an Inverter-Dominated Medium-Voltage Grid

Computer Science and Interactive Media

Project SMILe

Jul 24, 2023

"Development and Testing of an Integrated Model of Care in the Continuum of Allogeneic Hematopoietic SteM Cell TransplantatIon faciLitated by eHealth" - SMILe

HSA_compLightweight Construction and Composite TechnologyResource Efficiency


Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2026

Inspired by nature, developed for the future: The ECO-CMC project, supported by the Alexander Tutsek Foundation since 2023.

ArchitectureJoint Venture

„Planting future“

Mar 1, 2023 - Oct 1, 2023

The training center with forestry farm and hostel "planting future" was planned in the course of several design-build studios by students of the Technical University of Munich and the Augsburg University of Applied Sciences and realized in large parts with the support of local craftsmen over the last five years in the hills of Buhweju in western Uganda for the aid organization Kids of Africa.

(c) Colurbox


Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2024

The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is funding the program "Future Ukraine - Scholarship Program for Refugees from Ukraine at German Universities" with funds from the Federal Foreign Office (AA). According to official figures from the German government, around 700,000 people have fled to Germany as a result of the war in Ukraine.

Augsburg University of Applied Sciences lives internationality and sees it as its duty to assume social responsibility. This also includes providing refugees from Ukraine and colleagues in Ukraine - people - with the best possible support and giving them opportunities for the future. This is what the HSA_Україна project stands for.

globe drawn on paper, international sights around it
HSA_sustaINInternationalResearch InternshipSocial Work


Jan 1, 2023 - Dec 31, 2024



landscape with mountains
Energy Efficiency Design – E2DJoint Venture

Madhuban | The gate from Șinca Veche

Jun 1, 2022 - Jun 1, 2027

During the project excursion, traditional building methods were examined on the basis of rehabilitated properties of selected pilot projects. Finally, a needs analysis, inventory assessment and utilization concept were carried out for the property in the inner area.

In the engin(e)² transfer project, international students at Augsburg University of Applied Sciences are actively supported in starting their careers in the region. © Colourbox


Apr 1, 2022 - Dec 31, 2022

Successful integration of international students through social and community involvement in the region.


Plan Graphic

Feb 24, 2022

Whether using printed plans and real models in college hallways, elaborate presentations to community boards, or entire virtual worlds, aspiring and experienced architects are always relying on plans and visualizations to share their ideas and visions and engage others.