

In Augsburg, you find different accomodation opportunities, such as boarding houses or students' flat-sharing communities (Studenten-WG), or of course, a room in a student dormitory.

If you participate in the Research internship program and are interested in student dormitories, you need to conclude a sublet with the main tenent.

To support your studying or your research internship and get proof of available rooms for sublets, the International Office keeps in touch with the Studentenwerk Augsburg, the main point of contact for student dormitories in Augsburg, as well as with other coordinative contact points.

Be aware that the Augsburg Technical University does not own any halls of residence itself. However, if you need any help to find a room, the International Office will be happy to assist you.

If you participate in the Research internship program, please contact: Marie Heinze

If you participate in the Applied study semester, please see the offical website about accommodation for exchange students, or contact: Katharina Leuthmetzer

Broadcast licence fee


The licence fee is a mandatory fee to be paid when having a residence in Germany. It amounts to EUR 18,36 per month.

The licence fee works like a tax which everybody has to pay regardless whether you live in a student hall of residence, a private apartment or even a house. This fee is levied for each residence – regardless of how many people live there. The amount is collected by „ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice“. The regulation does not differentiate between the number of technical devices the household possesses or whether these devices are used to receive the public-law programs.

Please find more information here(Only available in German):