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Lectures from the study programs Architecture, Civil Engineering, E2D and Digital.Design and Production

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Mar 15, 2023
Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Die Lunch Lectures der Fakultät für Architektur und Bauwesen verbinden Wissensaufnahme mit Genuss und bieten gleichzeitig die Gelegenheit zum studiengangsübergreifenden Austausch zwischen Studierenden und Lehrenden.

Die vier Studiengänge der Fakultät organisieren jeweils drei Vorträge immer Mittwochs während der Mittagspause von 13:15 bis 14:00 Uhr, bei denen alle Studierenden herzlich dazu eingeladen sind, ihr mitgebrachtes Mittagessen gemeinsam in der Alten Mensa zu sich zu nehmen und mehr zu einem ausgewählten spannenden Thema rund ums Bauen zu erfahren.







Bauen mit Stampflehm

Martin Rauch & Anja Kubasch, Lehm Ton Erde Vorarlberg
29.03.20233T+_konzeptionell - ganzheitlich - nachhaltigStephan Rauch, studioRAUCH
05.04.2023ArchitekturbeleuchtungProf. Michael Schmidt
12.04.2023Warum Terminpläne immer falsch sind. Ein probabilistischer Erklärungsversuch.Prof. Stefan Rohr
19.04.2023Solar Decathlon Europe 21/22 – Eine ReflexionProf. Karsten Voss
26.04.2023Können wir noch bauen? Kosten- und Terminüberschreitungen bei GroßprojektenProf. Gattermann

WENIGER IST GENUG - Für eine glückliche und kreative Frugalität in Architektur und Planung

Dominique Gauzin Müller, Stuttgart
10.05.2023Ist das noch BIM oder schon KI?Mario Mirbach, Bund Deutscher Baumeister
24.05.2023Internationale LehmbauprojekteAnna Heringer
31.05.2023KI - dein Freund und Helfer? Ein Blick auf Midjourney, ChatGPT & CoProf. Jürgen Huber
14.06.2023Klimaneutrale QuartiersentwicklungTobias Nusser, EGS Plan Stuttgart
21.06.2023Fassaden von gestern, Fassaden von morgenMarco Theissinger & Tobias Pillmeier, Wicona


Weitere Informationen zu den Vorträgen

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Vergangene Veranstaltungen

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Lunch Lecture: Built Environment. A Disaster

May 31, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

We build because we have to build. We build a lot and we will build a lot more. Too much?
This is the question Prof. Jürgen Huber from the Civil Engineering program will address in his Lunch Lecture. He will provide insights into the effects of pop...

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Lunch Lecture: International earthen building projects

May 24, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

"Architecture for me is a tool to improve living conditions." - Presenter Anna Heringer became internationally known with the construction of the METI School in Rudrapur, Bangladesh, which she designed as her diploma thesis at the Art University o...

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Lunch Lecture: Is this still BIM or already AI?

May 10, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

In the future, the linear planning process from planning, mass and cost determination via structural engineering verifications etc. will be extended by the LCA. Iteration because cost and building resource targets have not been met is time-consumi...

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Lunch Lecture: LESS IS ENOUGH

May 3, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

The building sector produces about 40% of waste and greenhouse gas emissions and consumes 60% of resources. As such, it is a major contributor to the ecological crisis. Radical change is absolutely necessary.

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Lunch Lecture: Can we still build?

Apr 26, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Many major projects in the recent past, such as the Stuttgart 21 project, the Elbe Philharmonic Hall in Hamburg, the City Tunnel in Leipzig, the North-South urban rail line in Cologne and also the 2nd main line in Munich, have seen significant cos...

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Lunch Lecture: Solar Decathlon

Apr 19, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

The Solar Decathlon Europe is the first international student competition for regenerative housing. Prof. Dr. Karsten Voss teaches building physics and building technology in architecture at the University of Wuppertal and has already participated...

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Lunch Lecture: Architectural Lighting

Apr 5, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

The entry of LEDs into lighting design over the last decade offers the possibility to implement finely tailored lighting installations. In his Lunch Lecture, Prof. Michael Schmidt will use a number of project examples to demonstrate the high desig...

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Lunch Lecture: Building with tamped clay

Mar 22, 2023, 13:15 Uhr

Alte Mensa (C1.22)

Clay is a building material that is available almost everywhere and can be used in a variety of ways. Simple excavated material that is otherwise disposed of in landfills holds enormous potential for local construction in a closed cycle.

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