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Hololens programme for 3D architecture models

Computer Science

Project description

The new Microsoft HoloLens AR glasses have been on the market since late 2016. These glasses can overlay additional content into the user's field of view while they observe their surroundings. Special attention is given to the ability to project stable 3D holograms into the space. For the Uselab-I project at the Faculty of Computer Science, we obtained the developer version of the glasses. With our unit of the glasses, the project group aims to gain experience in developing augmented reality apps under Windows 10.

As part of the project work, an app was developed within the architecture and construction field. Collaboration took place with the architecture firm Lattkearchitekten, Augsburg, to gain insights into architects' working methods and to discuss which functionalities would make sense for such a project.

The program aims to allow architects and their clients to view virtual 3D models created on the PC using the HoloLens. These models can be manipulated using the HoloLens controls to rotate, scale, and move them. Care was taken to ensure that the process of transferring models from the PC to the HoloLens is as simple and intuitive as possible. This means that any newcomer can quickly learn to use the program after setting up the HoloLens and start working with the program.

Involved persons

Project Partner: Lattke Architekten, WBG Augsburg

Supervisor: Prof. Märtin

Students: 5
