
Gastvortrag: Dr. Matthias Rothensee

Eye-tracking: Customer Insights with the eyes of the customer

23.11.2021, 09:50 – 13:00

As part of the focus „International Marketing- and Communication Management”, Dr. Matthias Rothensee from eye-square will introduce the method of eye tracking. After a short tour through the history and iconic early experiments on eye tracking, Matthias will demonstrate some business applications of the technique in the fields of marketing research, user experience and shopper insights. You will learn, what added value the use of eye tracking has compared to traditional survey-only methods. Furthermore, Matthias will bring a set of eye tracking glasses, so that you have the opportunity to test recordings and analysis first hand.

Foto: Dr. Matthias Rothensee

Dr. Matthias Rothensee is responsible for method and innovation development at eye square. His research focuses on the implicit effects of marketing, emotions and visual perception. He is an expert in multivariate statistics and develops eye square’s media benchmarks. Matthias also has expert knowledge in digital marketing, advertising effectiveness research and implicit methods.