25.05.2023, 14:45

TAWNY is a Munich-based start-up that stands for emotion measurement in the age of artificial intelligence and offers corresponding software as a service. What the platform can do for real-time analysis of emotions and how brands can use it for themselves is presented by Regina Burgmayr in her guest lecture "TAWNY – Affective Computing powered by AI" as part of the course product and customer relationship management. Welcome to all those who are interested in the latest technical developments in the field of market and consumer psychology!

Zoom link: https://hs-augsburg.zoom.us/j/64971834960?pwd=dG5vZWRzTE5nRm51NVNVT21CWmRGdz09
Meeting-ID: 649 7183 4960
Kenncode: 109602

Prof. Dr. Barbara Eschner teaches basic concepts and methods of market and consumer psychology, a multifaceted field. To illustrate this, guest speakers regularly provide exciting insights into everyday business life on the topics of customer centricity and communication.